How many CPUs (or CPU-sockets) do I have?

A CPU socket (or slot) is a specific place on the motherboard where your CPU plugs in. Most motherboards have one, two, or four CPU sockets.

The CPU socket count is the number of CPU sockets on your motherboard that are actually occupied with a physical CPU.

There are different ways to find out how many CPU sockets are on your motherboard:

  • You can look up its specifications.
  • If you have Proxmox VE installed, go to the web interface of your Proxmox VE server. Select the node and go to the “Summary” tab – the socket count and the CPU name will be listed there.
  • Via command line: grep "physical id" /proc/cpuinfo | sort -u | wc -l

How many subscriptions do I need for my server(s)?

Please read more here

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